
Posts Tagged ‘Open Simulator 0.6.8’

OpenSimulator 0.6.9 Released

(This is an adapted copy of the notice that I just posted to the OpenSim users and development mailing lists).

Hi folks.  OpenSimulator 0.6.9 has just been released!  There were no database or server architectural changes between 0.6.8 and 0.6.9, so in theory this should be a drop-in replacement for 0.6.8.  However, as always, I advise that you back up all your data and be prepared to rollback if necessary.

And as always, OpenSim is an alpha level project, which means that there are many, many bugs and various missing features.

Here’s a list of some of the major changes between 0.6.9 and 0.6.8.

  • Teleport offers implemented
  • SQLite database adapter updated to work with Mono 2.6 and later (as well as Windows).  Unfortunately, this will currently not work with Mac and Mono 2.6 due to missing symbols in the SQLite library bundled with Mac OS X.  Mono 2.4 can still be used by switching to the legacy adaptor.
  • Ability to populate the inventory library by placing IARs in bin/Library
  • “Allowed Users” and “Allowed Groups” estate functionality added.
  • Added implementations of llCollisionFilter, llPassCollision, llLoopSoundSlave, llLookSoundMaster, llTriggerSoundLimited, llPointAt, llStopPointAt, llGetCenterOfMass, llGroundRepel, llSetVehicleFlags, llRemoveVehicleFlags, llSetInventoryPermMask.
  • Improvements to LSL functions including llDialog, llGetPrimitiveParams. llSetPrimitiveParams, llGetStatus, llSetStatus, llSetDamage, llDie, llLookAt, llParcelMediaCommandList.
  • Scripts now receive a stream of touch events if the mouse button is held down on their containing prim.
  • Terrain collision implemented.
  • OpenSim.Tools.Configger.exe added to dump configuration as an .ini, .xml or .sql file.
  • Avatar eyes and hair no longer remain white in standalone mode.
  • Improvements to undo, redo, land undo.
  • Improvements to attachments rezzing.
  • Support for HTTP texture fetching.
  • Fix console problem on startup of Grid.UserServer.exe with no existing config.
  • Stop existing avatars appearing in the T-pose to those who have just logged in.
  • Improvements to ground standing.
  • Clothing in the inventory library should now have the correct icons
  • Gestures saved to OARs/IARs
  • OARs now save region settings
  • Fixes for terrain editing problems in megaregions
  • Ground sitting fixed
  • Viewers now receive UUID of the broadcasting prim when chat originates from a script.
  • Attempting to rez no-copy objects on no-rez parcels no longer cause the item to vanish from inventory.
  • Prim to prim collisions improved.
  • Resizing the console window in Mono no longer results in an exception flood.
  • Various performance improvements
  • Various stability improvements